Welcome To

Department Of Civil Engineering

Dr. Jesmin Akter

Assistant Professor and Head ajesmin2025.ce@cityuniversity.ac.bd (official) ajesminku97@gmail.com (personal) +880 1322917634; +880 1678071273 View Profile

Shofiqul Islam

Lecturer shofiqislamcivil2016@gmail.com +88 01779-321022 View Profile

Md. Nuzrul Islam

Lecturer nuzrulce15@gmail.com +88 01632-067415 View Profile

Mohammad Ferdaush

Lecturer mfanam.ce13@gmail.com +88 01676714865 View Profile

Md. Wahid Hasan

Lecturer (Study Leave) wahidhasan.cee@gmail.com +880 15 2154 6200 View Profile

Sarmista Nandi Satu

Lecturer sarmistanandi99@gmail.com +880 1611062667 View Profile

Urmi Afroze

Lecturer urmiafroze6347@gmail.com +880 1789567761 View Profile

Md.Sohanoor Rahaman

Lecturer mdsohanoorrahaman2000@gmail.com 01761681261 View Profile
CONTACT > +880 1779-321022 > shofiqislamcivil2016@gmail.com

About Us

Civil Engineering department of City University is one of the top notches program. Here faculty members are continuously pursuing for generating new paradigm to shape up the field of academic programs of Civil Engineering.
The department of CE at City University started its journey in the fall 2015 semester under The Faculty of Science and Engineering. At the moment, the department offers a 4-year undergraduate program for day batch and 3-year (Diploma degree holder) undergraduate program for Evening batch in Civil Engineering. As per academic calendar, the first batch of students graduated in summer 2019 & fall 2018 respectably. The course outline covers all the fields within the Civil Engineering discipline and it eventually leads the students to decide their field of choice for specialization. The program starts with foundation courses in basic sciences, mathematics, humanities, social sciences and management with basic courses in Civil Engineering. Subsequently, specialization takes place in the fields of Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Water Resources Engineering. The curriculum is designed to give the students a strong theoretical background coordinated with laboratory experiences, projects and practical work which will provide them necessary impetus to work in their fields of specialization with expertise and ease. We look forward to you for joining or engaging with us, whether this is as a teacher, as a student, a researcher or an industrial collaborator.

Undergraduate Programs

Department of Civil Engineering

Graduate Programs