Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, (HSTU)
Md.Sohanoor Rahaman has completed his graduation in B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur in 2023. His specialization in Civil Engineering is Geotechnical Engineering and he received the Dean's award for the academic result. After graduation, he started his career as a lecturer at City University in 2024.
Md.Sohanoor Rahaman is currently working as a Lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering, City University since September 2024. He has gained one years of experience in fostering a high-quality teaching and learning environment to enhance students knowledge and skills in Civil Engineering.
Geotechnical Engineering (Soil Improvement)
Environment Engineering (Solid Waste Management)
Water Quality Assessment
Journal Papers:
1. This paper of this tittle "Effect of Compaction Energy on Clayey Soil Stabilized with Additives” is under review.
Conference papers:
2. M. S. Rahaman ,M. H. A. Rashid, S. A. Mofiz,M. Z. Kabir and M. F. Mahmud , "Effect of Compaction Energy on Clayey Soil Stabilized with Additives", 7th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2024), KUET, Khulna, pp- 0264_1-9.
3. M. H. A. Rashid and M. S. Rahman, " Study on Existing Faecal Sludge Management Situation in Dinajpur Municipality," 4th International Conference on Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering(ICPACE 2023), RUET, Rajshahi. October 2023. pp. 481-486.