
Urmi Afroze

+880 1789567761
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering

Degrees and Universities Attended

M.Sc.  in  Civil  and  Environmental  Engineering,  (BUET)  (On  Going)  
B.Sc.  in  Civil  Engineering,  (RUET)

Short Introduction

Urmi Afroze is currently working as a Lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering, City University since September 2024. She earned her B.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering from Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology and is currently pursuing an M.Sc. in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. Alongside her teaching responsibilities, she is actively involved in research and has several studies in progress for publication.

Teaching experience


Research Interest

Weather  analysis  with  GIS
Weather  forecasting
Machine  learning  models

