
Md. Asrafusjaman

Lecturer, GED
+880 1688 616261
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Science and Engineering
General Education Department

Degrees and Universities Attended

• M.Phil.  in  Physics,  Bangladesh  University  of  Engineering  and  Technology  (BUET).
• M.Sc  (Thesis)  in  Physics,  Jagannath  University.
• B.Sc  in  Physics,  Jagannath  University.
• H.S.C  (Science)  at  Milestone  College,  Dhaka.
• S.S.C  (Science)  at  Uttara  High  School,  Dhaka.

Short Introduction

Md. Ashrafuzzaman Rubel was born at Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has obtained B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Thesis) from Jagannath University. He also completed an M.Phil in Physics from BUET. He joined City University in 2017 as a Lecturer. His research interest is in the field of Material Science and Astrophysics,.

Teaching experience

• Lecturer  (Permanent),  General  Education  Department,  City  University,  January  2,  2021  to  present.
• Lecturer  (Permanent),  Department  of  Mechanical  Engineering,  City  University,  December  15,  2017  to  January  01,  2021.  
• Lecturer  (Part-time),  Department  of  Mechanical  Engineering,  City  University,  May  19,  2017  to  December  14,  2017.

Research Interest

• To  investigate  structural,  mechanical,  electronic,  Optical,  and  Semiconducting  /superconducting  properties  the  by  DFT  method  
• Astrophysics  (Solar  flare).  
• Fabrication  of  mono-crystalline  silicon  solar  cells  


1. Md.  Asrafusjaman,  Mst.  Asma  Khatun,  Esheta  Mahfuj,  Md.  Mehedi  Hasan,  A.  K.  M.  Akhter  Hossain1A  comparative  study  of  the  mechanical,  electronic,  and  optical  properties  of  lead-free  cubic  AGeX3  (A=  Cs,  K,  and  Rb;  X=  Cl,  Br,  and  I)  perovskites:  Insights  from  DFT  simulation,  Results  in  Physics,  Vol.  57,  107405,  2024.
2. Mohammad  Asrafusjaman,  Jakiul  Islam,  M.  Azizar  Rahman,  and  A.  K.  M.  Akther  Hossain,  Investigation  of  the  influence  of  pressure  on  the  physical  properties  and  superconducting  transition  temperature  of  chiral  noncentrosymmetric  TaRh2B2  and  NbRh2B2,  ACS  Omega  2023,  8,  24,  21813–21822.
3. Md.  Asrafusjaman,  Mehedi  Hasan,  M.  A.  Islam,  A.  K.  M.  Akther  Hossain,  Pressure-induced  semiconductor  to  the  metallic  transition  of  monoclinic  KCa2Nb3O10  layered  perovskite:  A  theoretical  DFT  insight,  Crystal  Research  &  Technology,  Crystal  Research  and  Technology,  Volume  58,  4,  2023.
4. AsrafusjamanRubel,  M.A.  Kabir,  Masud  Rana,  Ariful  Islam,  Md.  Shawkut  Ali  khan,  Characterization  analysis  of  textured  and  diffused  Monocrystalline  Silicon  wafer,  European  Scientific  Journal  ISSN:1857  –  7881  (Print)  e  -  ISSN  1857-  7431,  Vol  17  No  17  (2021),  pp.125-132.  
5. Md.Asrafusjaman,  Kutub  Uddin,  Galib  Hashmi,  Md.  AbdurRafiqAkand,  Mono-Crystalline  Silicon  solar  cell  Fabrication  in  Bangladesh,  International  Journal  of  Research  in  Engineering  and  Technology,  Volume:  05  Issue:  09,  2016.
6. Md.  AbdurRafiqAkand,  Mohammad  Khairul  Basher,  Md.Asrafusjaman,  NusratChowdhuyi,  Atia  Abedin,  and  MahbubulHoq,  ‘Study  and  Fabrication  of  Crystalline  Silicon  Solar  Cell  in  Bangladesh;  Using  Thermal  Diffusion  Technique’,  International  Journal  of  Innovation  and  Scientific  Research,  Vol.18  (2015).

1. Asrafusjaman,  Esheta  Mahfuj,  A.  K.  M.  Akther  Hossain.  Structural,  elastic,  thermodynamic,  electronic,  and  optical  properties  of  YBa2Cu4O8  Superconductor:  A  Comprehensive  DFT  Study,  1st  National  Conference  on  Advances  in  Science  and  Technology,  Bangladesh  University  of  Engineering  &  Technology  (BUET),  7  -  8  December,  2023.

2. Asrafusjaman,  Jakiul  Islam,  M.  Azizar  Rahman,  A.  K.  M.  Akther  Hossain,  Investigation  of  the  structural,  mechanical,  electronic,  Optical,  and  superconducting  properties  of  chiral  NbRh2B2  under  hydrostatic  pressure:Insights  from  DFT  study.7th  Conference  of  Bangladesh  Crystallographic  Association,  08-09  December  2022,  BUET,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh.

3. Asrafusjaman,  Jakiul  Islam,  M.  Azizar  Rahman,  A.  K.  M.  Akther  Hossain,  Pressure  dependence  of  structural,  mechanical,  electronic,  Optical,  and  superconducting  properties  of  chiral  TaRh2B2:  Insights  from  DFT  study,  1st  International  Conference  on  Frontier  in  Science,  November  11  -12,  2022,  BUET,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh.  

4. Md.  Asrafusjaman,  Tanjila  Akter,  Mehedi  Hasan,  M.A.  Mamun  and  K.A.  Khan,  A  Comparative  Study  on  the  Effect  of  Sodium  Chloride  as  a  Secondary  Salt  use  in  PKL  (Scientific  name-  Bryophyllumpinnatum)  and  Lemon  Juice  for  Electricity  Generation.  The  32nd  International  Conference  on  Solid  Waste  Technology  and  Management  March  19-22,  2017,  Philadelphia,  PA  U.S.A.
5. M.Asrafusjaman,  Galib  Hashmi,  Tanjila  Akter,  Md.  Abdur  Rafiq  Akand,  Mohammad  Khairul  Basher,  Kutub  Uddin,  Comparative  Study  on  the  Surface  Texturing  Method  for  Crystalline  Silicon  Solar  Cell:  National  Conference  on  Physics-2017,  Atomic  Energy  Center,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh.
6. Md.Asrafusjaman,  Md.Abdur  Rafiq  Akand,  Mohammad  Khairul  Basher,  Mahbubul  Hoq,  Kutub  Uddin,  Fabrication  of  Crystalline  Silicon  Solar  Cell  in  Bangladesh:  International  Conference  on  Physics-2016”,  Atomic  Energy  Center,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh.