Faculty of Science and Engineering
General Education Department
M.S in Statistics, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail, Bangladesh
B.Sc. in Statistics, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail, Bangladesh
H.S.C. (Science): Royal Media College, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
S.S.C. (Science): Mogaltula Secondary School, Muktagacha, Mymensingh Bangladesh
Shihab Uddin Khan is a Lecturer in Statistics with a strong academic and research background. He completed his Bachelor’s (2017) and Master’s degrees (2018) in Statistics with top honors from Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University. Before joining City University, he worked on research projects in areas like public health and disaster preparedness. Skilled in tools like R, SPSS, and STATA, Mr. Khan is passionate about teaching and guiding students in their academic journey.
Lecturer, General Education Department, City University, September 1, 2024 to Present.
Data Science and Machine Learning
Multivariate Analysis
Linear Model
Public Health
Khan, S. U., & Paul, G. K. (2023). Prevalence and Determinants of the Risk Factors of Non-Communicable Diseases among the People of Tangail District in Bangladesh. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Statistical Studies, Vol. 37, 2023, pp.117-137. ISSN 1022- 4734.
Research Work (Project list)
A study to determine the level of acceptance and identify the factors influencing the online shopping of university students
WHO’s Rapid AT Assessment - “Assessment, Advocacy and Collaborative Planning for Improved Access to Assistive Technology” Project
Focus Area: Assistive Technology, Persons with Disability, Rapid Assessment,
Project Result-based assessment of “Prompting women and girls’ empowerment through enhancing protection and economic resilience and access to market of Rohingya women and adolescent girls in 2 camps”
Focus Area: Women and Girls’ Empowerment, Self-Reliance, Protection, Economic Resilience, Market Access
Midterm Evaluation of the project "Strengthening the Disaster Preparedness and Building Infrastructure for Disaster Vulnerable Communities in Bangladesh (STEP & BuildIn)"
Focus Area: Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Vulnerable Communities
Rapid Market Assessment of " Ensuring access to safe, equitable, inclusive learning opportunities for adolescents and youth in camps and host communities creating a pathway towards sustainable solutions to self-reliance"
Focus Area: Education, Gender-based violence, IEC Development, market assessment of educational materials
Conduct a study to analyze the gender-specific impacts of climate change on the lives a livelihoods of Haor dwellers
Focus Area: Climate Change, Gender, Live, Livelihood
Empowering Women through Comprehensive Poverty Reduction Program (CPRP) in Bandarban
Focus Area: Livelihood, Women Rights & Empowerment, Gender
Conducting Baseline Study of Multi-stakeholder Initiative for Peace and Stability (MIPS) Project of The Hunger Project
Focus Area: Peace
Midline (Monsoon Flood) and Baseline (Flash Flood) study of SUFAL II project
Focus Area: The Climate change, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Vulnerable Communities
Recruitment of Enumerators for Learning Study on Climate change MEAL Unit, Ultra-Poor Graduation programme. Baseline Study on “Towards a dignified life for all sanitation workers Bangladesh”
Focus Area: Dignified life for all sanitation workers
A Baseline Study of Bangladesh Rohingya and Host Communities Humanitarian Response (2023-2025) in Cox's Bazar and Bhasan Char
Focus Area: Humanitarian Response, WASH, Health & Nutrition
Baseline survey of Strengthening people-centered inclusive disaster risk management in Khulna of Bangladesh
Focus Arear: Disaster, WASH, Health and Nutrition, Persons with Disability
Needs Assessment for ECHO on "2023 Caritas Response to the Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN) and Host Community (HC) in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh" funded by Caritas Internationalis
Focus Area: Needs Assessment for ECHO
Impact Evaluation of a Livelihood project in Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar Community Empowerment Promoted through Livelihoods and Skills Development Initiatives Center for Natural Resource Studies (CNRS)
Focus Area: Women's Empowerment, Livelihoods and Skills Development, Self-reliance
Conducting evidence-based research on Sexual Harassment and Gender-based Violence prevalence
Focus Area: Gender-based Violence, SRHR