
Tabassum Mahmud Ornab

+880 1688996495
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Arts and Social Science
Department of English

Degrees and Universities Attended

M.A    in  Applied  Linguistics  and  English  Language  Teaching  (ELT),  Department  of  English,  Jahangirnagar  University

B.A.    (Hons)    in    English,  Department  of  English,  Jahangirnagar  University

Short Introduction

Tabassum Mahmud Ornab has been working as a Lecturer in the Department of English Language and Literature at City University from February 2023 to present. Before teaching, he also worked as a content writer. He has participated and presented research works in several national and international conferences.

Teaching experience

Worked    as    a  Guest  Lecturer  at  Department  of  English,  Dhamrai  Government  College,  Dhaka.

Research Interest

His  research  interests  include  the  areas  of  EFL  learning,  EFL  classroom,  language  skills,  sociolinguistics,  language  and  gender,  cultural  studies.


MA  Thesis:  
Problems  in  Academic  Writing  Faced  by  English  Major  BA  Honors  First  Year  Undergraduates.  Supervised  by  Professor  Dr.  M.  Maniruzzaman,  PhD,  PDW,  Department  of  English,  Jahangirnagar  University

Conference  Papers:
1.  Using  YouTube  as  a  Free  and  Open  Source  EFL  Learning  Tool:  Effect  on  the  HSC  Level  Learners.  Presented  at  the  "3rd  International  Conference  on  Humanities  and  Social  Sciences  (ICHSS)  2024",  organized  by  Jatiya  Kabi  Kazi  Nazrul  Islam  University,  Trishal,  Mymensingh,  held  on  18-19  February,  2024.
2.  Language  Barriers  in  Multilingual  Communication:  Exploring  the  Dynamics  of  Connection  and  Disconnection.  Presented  at  the  National  Symposium  2023:  ENGLISH  CONNECTS  (for  Teachers  and  Students  of  English),  organized  by  ULAB  Department  of  English  and  Humanities.
3.  Impact  of  Learners'  Mental  Health  on  EFL  Learning:  HSC  Level  Students  on  Focus.  Presented  at  the  "BELTA  National  Conference  2023  on  Rethinking  English  Language  Teaching-Learning  Practices",  organized  by  the  Department  of  English,  Jessore  University  of  Science  and  Technology.
4.  Effectiveness  of  Digital  Gaming  and  Storytelling  on  EFL  Learning:  An  Insight  from  a  Survey  at  the  HSC  Level.  Presented  at  the  student  Conference  on  English  language  and  literature,  “Discover  English  2023”  organized  by  the  Department  of  English,  AIUB  and  TESOL  Society  of  Bangladesh.
5.  Attitude  and  Response  towards  the  Language  Shift  and  Maintenance:  A  Sociolinguistic  Exploration  among  the  Tribal  Undergraduates  at  Jahangirnagar  University.  Presented  at  the  "National  Conference  on  Foreign  Language  and  Culture  2023"  organized  by  the  Institute  of  Modern  Language  (IML),  University  of  Dhaka.
6.  Investigating  Gender  Roles  in  EFL  Digital  Classrooms.  Presented  at  the  international  conference  2023  on  "Mapping  Gendered  Spaces  in  Language,  Literature  and  Culture"  by  the  Department  of  English,  University  of  Dhaka.