
Mehedi Hasan

Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Degrees and Universities Attended

MSc  in  Computer  Science  and  Engineering  (Major  in  Data  Science)  from  Daffodil  International  University
BSc  in  Computer  Science  and  Engineering  from  Daffodil  International  University

Short Introduction

Mehedi Hasan is currently working as a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at City University. He is from Gazipur. He carried out his SSC from Hatirdia S Ali Model High School, Narsingdi, and his HSC from Ideal College, Dhanmondi. He achieved a GPA of 5.00 for both. Further, he completed his undergraduate degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Daffodil International University in 2022 with a CGPA of 3.97 and his postgraduate degree from the same institute in 2024 with a CGPA of 3.94. After completing his graduation, he got the chance to start his early career as a teacher in the department of CSE at Daffodil International University, where he served as a part-time and contractual lecturer from July 2022 - December 2023. Besides teaching, he is focused on his research activities. He published a few research articles in reputed conference proceedings. His research areas are Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Data Mining, IoT, Image Processing, and Computer Vision. During his undergraduate journey, he was involved with several clubs and volunteering activities. He played the role of Assistant General Secretary in the biggest club of Daffodil International University, the DIU-Computer and Programming Club, in 2021, where he arranged a significant number of seminars, workshops, and programming contests. His teaching areas are Programming and Problem Solving, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Networks, OOP, Advanced Enterprise Java, and Database Management System.

Teaching experience

1. Lecturer,  Department  of  Computer  Science  and  Engineering,  City  University,  January  2024  -  Present
2. Lecturer  (Contractual),  Department  of  Computer  Science  and  Engineering,  Daffodil  International  University,  July  2023  –  December  2023
3. Lecturer  (Part-Time),  Department  of  Computer  Science  and  Engineering,  Daffodil  International  University,  July  2022  –  June  2023

Research Interest

Machine  Learning,  Deep  Learning,  Natural  Language  Processing  (NLP),  Data  Mining,  IoT,  Image  Processing,  Computer  Vision.  


1. Mehedi  et  al.  "Refute  the  Decision  of  Auto-Promotion  and  Real  Facts  of  Digital  Online  Classes  During  the  Pandemic  in  Bangladesh"  2020  IEEE  International  Conference  on  Advent  Trends  in  Multidisciplinary  Research  and  Innovation  (ICATMRI),  Buldhana,  India,  2020,  pp.  1-6,  doi:  10.1109/ICATMRI51801.2020.9398326.

2. Mehedi  et  al.  "An  Automated  Approach  for  Bangla  Sentence  Classification  Using  Supervised  Algorithms"  2021  12th  International  Conference  on  Computing  Communication  and  Networking  Technologies  (ICCCNT),  Kharagpur,  India,  2021,  pp.  1-6,  doi:  10.1109/ICCCNT51525.2021.9579940  

3. Mehedi  et  al.  "MKRF  Stacking-Voting:  A  Data  Mining  Technique  for  Predicting  Educational  Satisfaction  Level  of  Bangladeshis  Student  During  Pandemic,"  2022  IEEE  7th  International  conference  for  Convergence  in  Technology  (I2CT),  Mumbai,  India,  2022,  pp.  1-7,  doi:  10.1109/I2CT54291.2022.9824357.  

4. Mehedi  et  al.  “Multiple  Bangla  Sentence  Classification  using  Machine  Learning  and  Deep  Learning  Algorithms”  2022  13th  International  Conference  on  Computing  Communication  and  Networking  Technologies  (ICCCNT),  Kharagpur,  India,  2022,  pp.  1-6,  doi:  10.1109/ICCCNT54827.2022.9984616.  

5. Mehedi  et  al.  “Classifying  Gender  Based  on  Life  Partner  Choosing  Factor  using  Supervised  Machine  Learning,"  2022  13th  International  Conference  on  Computing  Communication  and  Networking  Technologies  (ICCCNT),  Kharagpur,  India,  2022,  pp.  1-5,  doi:  10.1109/ICCCNT54827.2022.9984537