
Md. Solaiman

Assistant Professor
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Arts and Social Science
Department of English

Degrees and Universities Attended

M.A.  in  English  Literature,  International  Islamic  University  Chittagong  (IIUC)
B.A.  (Hons.)  in  English,  DarulIhsan  University

Short Introduction

Mr. Md.Solaiman has been teaching as an Assistant Professor at the Department of English, City University. He has been serving here since 01st April, 2014. He is an academician and a keen researcher. He has already published 07 (Seven) research articles in reputed research journals and is currently working on 03 (Three) other articles. He is a researcher of English language and Literature with their potential applications. He is also interested in the study of comparative religions, especially the signs of religions in English and other Literature. He is an executive member of English Language and Debating Club, Department of English, City University.

Teaching experience

Ten  (10)  years.

Research Interest



1. Emily  Dickinson:  A  Writer  of  Spirituality  and  Dreamer  of  Eternity  ,BANGLADESHRESEARCH  FOUNDATION  JOURNAL–(BRFJ)[ISSN:  2224-8404  (Print),    2305-1566  (Online)]  ,  Issue-1,  Volume  7.  Date  of  Publication:  January,    2018  (p.  99-107)
2. Fate  Versus  Human  Spirit:  An  Analysis  of  King  Oedipus,City  University  Journal,[(ISSN  2412-2823(Print)]Issue-1,  Volume  3.  Date  of  Publication:  June,  2018,(p.  167-180)
3.  Mumu,  Musrat  Sultana.,  Solaiman,  Md.  (2020):  Learner’s  Autonomy  in  the  South  Asian  Language  Class,  International  Journal  of  Scientific  &  Engineering  Research-(IJSER)[ISSN  2229-5518],Issue-06,  Volume  11,  (p.  1229-1235)
4. Teaching  the  ‘Soul  of  English  Language’  to  the  Learners’  of  Schools:  Bangladesh  Perspective,Name  of  Journal:International  Journal  of  Innovative  Science  and  Research  Technology  –(IJISRT)
[ISSN  2456-2165  (Online)],Issue-07,  Volume  05.
                           Date  of  Publication:  July,  2020,  (p.  733-743)
5. Solaiman,  Md.,  Mumu,  Musrat  Sultana.,  (2020):  Thomas  Gray  and  JasimUddin:  The  Voices  of  Extreme  Agony  in  Two  Unique  Souls,  European  Journal  of  English  Language  and  Literature  Studies-(EJELLS)  [ISSN  2055-0138  (Print)  2055-0146  (Online)
,Issue-05,  Volume  08,  (p.  07-19)
6. Maurya  and  Jocasta  as  the  Mother,  Better  Half  and  Human  Being:  A  Study,  City  University  Journal,  [ISSN  2412-2823  (Print)],Issue-01,  Volume  05.
7. Title:  Satan  in  Milton’s  Paradise  Lost,the  Bible  and  the  Quran:  A  Study,International  Journal  of  Islamic  Thoughts-(IJIT),[ISSN  2306-7012  (Online)],Issue-1&2,  Volume  09  (p.40-50)

Published  Books:
1. Paradise  Lost  ,(MouProkashoni,  Dhaka,  (Published  on  February,  2007).
2. BanglarSantan  (The  Children  of  Bangladesh),(MouProkashoni,  Dhaka,  (Published  on  February,  2007).
3. LabonnoShishutosh  (on  the  way  to  be  published)
4. –Three  other  books  are  on  the  way  to  publication.