
Sanjoy Kumar Roy

Associate Professor
+880 1710-501913
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Science and Engineering
General Education Department

Degrees and Universities Attended

M.Sc.  in  Statistics,  Biostatistics  &  Informatics;  University  of  Dhaka,  Dhaka
B.  Statistics,  Biostatistics  &  Informatics;  University  of  Dhaka,  Dhaka
H.S.C.  (Science);  Saidpur  Government  Technical  College;  Saidpur,  Nilphamari
S.S.C.  (Science);  Dimla  Rani  Brinda  Rani  Government  High  School;  Dimla,  Nilphamari

Short Introduction

Sanjoy Kumar Roy was born at Nilphamari, Bangladesh in 1986. He has obtained B.Sc. (Honours) in 2009 and M. Sc. in 2010 in Statistics, Biostatistics and Informatics from the University of Dhaka. He was appointed Lecturer in the Department of Business Administration, City University, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2012. He was appointed as BBA Program Coordinator, Department of Business Administration, from November, 2016 to January 2019. He was as appointed Assistant Professor, in 2017.

Teaching experience

1.  Assistant  Professor,  General  Education  Department,  City  University,  January  02,  2021  to  Present
2.  Assistant  Professor,  Department  of  Business  Administration,  City  University,  August,  2017  to  January  01,  2021
3.  Lecturer,  Department  of  Business  Administration,  City  University,  November,  2012  to  August,  2017

Administrative/Other  Position
1.  Coordinator,  Department  of  Business  Administration,  November,  2016  -January  201

Research Interest

i)  Statistics


1.0  Roy,  Sanjoy  Kumar.  "The  Impact  Of  Age,  Gender,  And  Ethnic  Diversity  On  Organizational  Performance:  An  Empirical  Study  Of  Bangladesh's  Banking  Sector."  International  Journal  of  Financial,  Accounting,  and  Management  4,  no.  2  (2022):  145-161.

2.0  Khan,  Md  Rahat,  Sanjoy  Kumar  Roy,  and  Most  Tahura  Pervin.  "Retail-based  Women  Entrepreneurship  Entry  Model  through  Small  Business  Orientation  (SBO)."  JWEE  1-2  (2022):  117-136.

3.0  Khan,  Md  Rahat,  and  Sanjoy  Kumar  Roy.  "Do  primary  HR  functions  model  work  in  emerging  economies?  Sustainable  compact  perspective  for  Bangladeshi  RMG  industry."  Review  of  International  Business  and  Strategy  ahead-of-print  (2022).

4.0  Islam,  Saiful,  Mohammad  Sabbir  Hossain,  and  Sanjoy  Kumar  Roy.  "Performance  Evaluation  using  CAMELS  Model:  A  Comparative  Study  on  Private  Commercial  Banks  in  Bangladesh."  (2021).

5.0  Roy,  Sanjoy  Kumar,  Sabbir  Hassan  Chowdhury,  Saiful  Islam,  and  Sifat  Siddique.  "SOCIO-ECONOMIC  STATUS  OF  THE  STREET  GARMENT  VENDORS:  A  DESCRIPTIVE  STUDY  IN  THE  CONTEXT  OF  DHAKA  CITY,  BANGLADESH."  (2021).

6.0  Chowdhury,  Sabbir  Hassan,  Sanjoy  Kumar  Roy,  Murshedul  Arafin,  and  Sifat  Siddiquee.  "Green  HR  Practices  and  Its  Impact  on  Employee  Work  Satisfaction-A  Case  Study  on  IBBL,  Bangladesh."  International  Journal  of  Research  and  Innovation  in  Social  Science,  Delhi  3,  no.  3  (2019):  129-138.

7.0  Md  Rahat  Khan,  Sanjoy  Kumar  Roy  and  S.  M.  Khaled  Hossain.  "FACTORS  AFFECTING  GARMENTS  EMPLOYEES’PERCEPTION  ON  JOB  PERFORMANCE:  EVIDENCE  FROM  BANGLADESH."  International  Journal  of  Management  and  Sustainability  8.1  (2019):  32-47.  ISSN(e):  2306-0662  ISSN(p):  2306-9856

8.0  Sabbir  Hassan  Chowdhury,  Sanjoy  Kumar  Roy,  Murshedul  Arafin,  Sifat  Siddiquee,  "Green  HR  Practices  and  Its  Impact  on  Employee  Work  Satisfaction  -  A  Case  Study  on  IBBL,  Bangladesh.  "  International  Journal  of  Research  and  Innovation  in  Social  Science  (IJRISS)  |Volume  III,  Issue  III,  March  2019|ISSN  2454-6186

9.0  Jubayer  Ahmed  and  Sanjoy  Kumar  Roy,  "  Customer  Centrality  in  the  context  of  Marketing  Theories  and  Practices”.  City  University  Journal,  volume  3,  No.  01,  June  2018.

10.0  Sanjoy  Kumar  Roy,  Md.  Rahat  Khan  and  S.  M.  Khaled  Hossain,  “Determinants  of  Users’  Satisfaction  Regarding  Mobile  Operators  in  Bangladesh:  An  Exploratory  Factor  Analysis  Approach  on  University  Students.”  European  Journal  of  Business  and  Management,  ISSN  2222-1905  (Paper)  ISSN  2222-2839  (Online)  Vol.8,  No.26,  2016

11.0  Sanjoy  Kumar  Roy  and  Jubayer  Ahmed,  “A  Relational  Study  on  Communication,  Reputation  and  Cooperation  and  Relationship  satisfaction  in  the  context  Apparel  Sector  in  Bangladesh.”  British  Open  Journal  of  Business  Administration,  Vol.  1,  No.  1,  October  2016,  pp.  1-10.

12.0  Sabbir  Hassan  Chowdhury  and  Sanjoy  Kumar  Roy,  “Evaluating  the  impact  of  insurance  companies  in  the  development  of  Insurance  practices  in  Bangladesh.”  Scholar  Journal  of  Business  and  Social  Science,  Vol.1,  No.1(2015)  37-42,  ISSN  2412-2777(Print)