
Mahmudur Rahman Idris

Associate Professor,
+880 1671-049543
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Science and Engineering
General Education Department

Degrees and Universities Attended

M.  Sc.  in  Physical  Chemistry,  University  of  Dhaka
B.  Sc.  In  Chemistry,  University  of  Dhaka
H.S.C.,  RAJUK  College
S.S.C.  Motijheel  Govt.  Boys'  School

Short Introduction

Mr. Mahmudur Rahman Idris is currently an Assistant Professor (Chemistry) at General Education Department, at City University. He completed his B. Sc (Hon's) in Chemistry and Master's in Physical Chemistry from the University of Dhaka. He went to the Guangzhou Institute of Science & Technology, South Korea as an intern. He has several publications in different internationally reputed journals. His research interest is in material science. At present, he is working on some research projects related to material science, and hopefully, a new paper will be published soon.

Teaching experience

10  years

Research Interest

Physical  &  Environmental  Chemistry


1.  Md.  Amdad  Ali,  Mahmudur  Rahman  Idris,  Md.  Emran  Quyum,  “Fabrication  of  ZnO  nanoparticles  by  solution-combustion  method  for  the  photocatalytic  degradation  of  organic  dye”,  Journal  of  Nanostructure  in  Chemistry,  Volume  6,  Issue  21,  2013  ISSN:  2008-9244(print),  2193-8865(online).

2.  Mahmudur  Rahman  Idris,  Md.  Emran  Quyum,  “Preparation  of  ZnO  Nanoparticles  and  Its  Electrochemical  Studies”,  Materials  Science,  Volume  2,  Issue  2,  2013,  ISSN:  2231-2571(print)  2319-7633(online)

3.  Mahmudur  Rahman  Idris,  Md.  Shamim  Alam,  Wahidur  Rahman,  “Use  of  Renewable  Adsorbent  (Peanut  Husk)  for  the  Treatment  of  Textile  Waste  Water”,  Journal  of  Chemistry  and  Chemical  Sciences,  Volume  4,  Issue  4,  2014,  ISSN:  2229-7601(print)  2319-7625(online)

4.  Mahmudur  Rahman  Idris,  Muhassina  Ahmed,  Md.  Wahidur  Rahman,  Musaddika  Ahmed,  and  Md.  Shahriar  Faisal,  “Treatment  of  Textile  Effluent  by  Activated  Carbon  as  Adsorbent”,  Journal  of  Chemistry  and  Chemical  Sciences,  Volume  6,  Issue  3,  2016,  ISSN:  2229-7601(print)  2319-7625(online)

5.  Mahmudur  Rahman  Idris,  Muhassina  Ahmed,  Wahidur  Rahman  ,“Textile  Waste  Water  Treatment  Using  Biomass  as  Natural  Adsorbent”  City  University  Journal,  Volume  2,  Issue  1,  March-2016,  ISSN  2412-2823

6.  Mahmudur  Rahman  Idris,  Md.  Arifuzzaman,  Arnob  Basak,  Tonmoy  Saha  and  Jarin  Yasmin,  “Cost  Effective  Wastewater  Treatment  by  Natural  Adsorbent”,  Journal  of  Chemistry  and  Chemical  Sciences,  Volume  8,  Issue  4,  ISSN:  2229-7601(print)  2319-7625(online)

7.  Mahmudur  Rahman  Idris,  “Study  on  Biodegradation  of  Textile  Effluents  by  activated  Carbon  and  Sugarcane  Bagasse  as  Adsorbents”,  Journal  of  Chemistry  and  Chemical  Sciences,  Volume  9,  Issue  2,  ISSN:  2229-7601(print)  2319-7625(online)

8.  Mahmudur  Rahman  Idris,  “Sustainable  Water  Resource  Management  of  Air  Conditioner  Water  for  Domestic  Purpose”,  Journal  of  Pure  Applied  and  Industrial  Physics,  Volume  8,  Issue  13,  ISSN:  2229-7596(print),  2319-7617(Online).