
Pro Vice Chancellor

Prof. Kazi Shahdat Kabir, Ph.D

BHS, MHSPS & Ph. D (IIUM Malaysia), Post doc (INU, Korea)

Pro Vice-Chancellor

+880 1323 578803

Prof. Kazi Shahdat Kabir, Ph.D

Pro Vice-Chancellor

Brief Profile

Prof. Kazi Shahdat Kabir, Ph. D. completed his Bachelor of Human Science in Political Science, Masters & Ph. D in Political Science and Public Policy from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). After that he did his post doctoral fellowship in The Department of Public Administration, Incheon National University (INU), Republic of Korea [Supported by National Research Foundation of Korea and Funded by Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea]. In 24 years of his academic and administrative career he taught in the International Islamic University Chittagong, Dhaka Campus, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) [Adjunct] and 16 years he is with Northern University Bangladesh (NUB), Banani, Dhaka. He has been holding the position as Head of the Department of Governance and Public Policy [collaboration with BCS Administration Academy, Shahbag, Dhaka]since 2007 [13 years] and Registrar for around 2 years. During his tenure at NUB he introduced two programs named “Masters of Governance Studies” & “Masters in Public Policy & Management” at BCS Administration Academy, Shahbag, Dhaka. He is also one of the key persons of “NUB International Centre” that has been working for collaboration of the Universities in Malaysia, China, UK, USA & Australia and also online programs during pandemic period. He is a regular faculty member of BCS Administration Academy, Shahbag, Dhaka since 2007.

Dr. Kabir teaches/taught History of Emergence of Bangladesh Introduction to Political Science, Business Ethics (for BBA students), Engineering Ethics (for EEE students) Bangladesh Studies, Sociology, World History & Civilizations, Introduction to Public Administration and public Policy, Issues in Public Policy & Governance, International & Regional organizations etc. He published three books, significant number of Book reviews and articles in local and international journals, presented number of papers in the National & International seminars & conferences. He is also Editor in Chief of “NUB Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities,” Supervised above 100 students [masters] of Governance Studies & public policy, Also gathered qualities on leadership since student life mixing with students from 80 countries, involving several student activities, including elected Secretary General of International Student Society (IIS) 1994/95, President, Mushrif (Fellow) Council, Abu Bakar Residential College 1996/97, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Fellow (residential College), IIUM, 2004-2006.

Dr. Kabir is the Secretary General and founder of “Golden Kids Welfare Foundation” [A Centre for Autistic and Developmental Delay Children/Reg. of societiesAct xx10 of 1860, no. S-12900/2018] did his certificate course/training on “Autism and dyslexia” in 2015 at Apolo Hospital, Kolkata, India and “training on autism spectrum disorder” at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2016.


  • Post Doctoral Fellowship in the Department of Public Administration, College of Public Administration, Incheon National University, Incheon, Republic of Korea (South Korea) 2014. Ph. D. in Political Science/Public Policy, International Islamic University Malaysia; CGPA: 3.388/4 (75% and above), Thesis Topic: The Civil Society in a Weak State: The Case of Bangladesh. (2008)
  • Master of Human Science in Political Science, International Islamic University Malaysia, 1999; CGPA: 3.0/4 (70% and above). Thesis (B+/80% above), Topic: Islam and Politics in Bangladesh.(1999)
  • Bachelor of Human Science in Political Science, International Islamic University Malaysia, 1996 CGPA: 3.154/4 (70% and above). Ranking fifth out of fifty-two students: Percentile: 90%. (1996)
  • Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC), Feni Government College, Science Group, First Division. (1986)
  • Secondary School Certificate (SSC), Feni Government Pilot High School, Agriculture Group, First Division. (1984) Science


  • Pro Vice-Chancellor, City University, Dhaka (April 02, 2023-till now)
  • Professor, Faculty of Business, Head Department of General Education (GED), Joint Director, Centre for Research Training and Consultancy (CRTC), Sonargaon University (August, 22-February 18,2023)
  • Professor, in Political Science & Public Policy, Coordinator, Centre for General Education (CGED) & Head, Department of Governance & Public Policy, Northern University Bangladesh (NUB), Dhaka (Jan’ 15 to August 20,2022)
  • Director, Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), NUB
  • Conveyor, Admission, Branding and Promotion Cell. (Jan. 15-till now)
  • Registrar, Northern Universality Bangladesh (NUB) [Feb.19- Sep. 20] Director, Career & Counseling Department, Northern University Bangladesh [Jan. 18-till now]
  • Faculty Member, Bangladesh Civil Service Administration
  • Academy (BCSAA), Shahbag, Dhaka for Masters in Governance Studies (MGS) and Masters in Public Policy and Management Program (MPPM) Program. (July’ 07-June 16)
  • Associate Professor in Political Science & Public Policy, Coordinator, CGED & Head, Department of Development & Governance Studies (DDGS), NUB Dhaka. (July’ 08-Dec. 13)
  • Assistant Professorin Political Science/Governance Studies, Coordinator, Centre For General Education (CGED), NUB, Dhaka.(Dec.06-Jun. 08)
  • Lecturer, University Requirement Courses (Social Science Courses) & Director,Student Affairs Division (STAD), International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC), Dhaka Campus, Bangladesh. (unpaid Sabbatical leave from Nov. 02- Non. 06 for Ph. D) (August’ 01 – Nov. 06)
  • Lecturer, Department of Government & Politics, Asian University Bangladesh (AUB), Dhaka. (April’ 00– July, 01-) Lecturer (URC Courses) & Senior Assistant Director, Student Affairs Division & International Islamic University Chittagong,


  • Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) & Adjunct Faculty Member, Department of Political Science, International Islamic University Malaysia, June 03 - Nov 06
  • Fellow [House Tutor], As Siddiq Residential College [Mahallah as Siddiq], International Islamic University Malaysia. July 05- June 06
  • Editorial Assistant, IIUM Newsletter, Public Relations Office, International Islamic University Malaysia, Sep. 04 – Dec. 05
  • Coordinator for Research and Publications, International Institute for Muslim Unity (IIMU) and Editorial Assistant, International Journal for Muslim Unity (IJMU), International Institute for Muslim Unity (IIMU), International Islamic University Malaysia. Jan. 03- August 04
  • Residential Assistant (Mushrif/Fellow), Abu Bakar (Residential) College, IIUM. July-96 -Dec- 97
  • Administrative Assistant, Association, Cultural and Residential College Unit, Student Affairs and Development Division (STADD), IIUM Mar. 16 May-96 to Dec.-96


Principal Researcher, “Exploratory Study of Governance, Education Programs, Teaching Learning, Related Aspects,” Department of Governance & Public Policy, NUB. Funded by University Grants Commission & World Bank.

Post Doctoral Research on “Assessing Empowerment of Rural Women through Food for Work Program (FFW): Evidence from Bangladesh.” College of Public Administration, Incheon National University, Incheon, Republic of Korea (South Korea)

Chief Researcher, research on “Measuring Women Empowerment and Role of TMSS’s Micro-credit Program in Rural Bangladesh,” funded by Northern University Bangladesh .

Chief Researcher, research on “Measuring Socio-economic Conditions of Street Beggars in Dhaka City: An Empirical Study” funded by Northern University Bangladesh (Completed).

Member Research Team, Project on Malaysian General Election 2008, Prime Minister’s Office, Republic of Malaysia and Research Centre International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur.

Graduate Research Assistant on OIC Project [to find out OIC member countries’ position based on some indicators], Research Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.


Award on Excellence in Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities by the Student Affairs and Development Division (STADD), IIUM

Dean’s list Students Award in Academic Excellence (GPA 3.5 and above) by Student Affairs Division (STADD), IIUM. RESEARCH PROJECTS AWARDS, HONOURS & GRANTS


® Handbook on Bangladesh Studies, published by Mahir Publication, Dhaka.

® A Book (edited) has been accepted for publication (co-author) on “Essays on Governance: An Anthology,” (vol. 1) by Northern University Bangladesh, Dhaka.

® A Book has been accepted for publication (co author) on “Modern Political Thought,” by Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT),Dhaka.


® A Book published (Co-author) on “Psychological Adjustment of Bangladeshi Students at IIU Malaysia” by Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.