
Sarmista Nandi Satu

+880 1611062667
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering

Degrees and Universities Attended

M.Sc.  in  Civil  Engineering,  (KUET)  (On  Going)
B.Sc.  in  Civil  Engineering,  (KUET)

Short Introduction

Sarmista Nandi Satu is currently working as a Lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering, City University since February 2024. Before that She was Working as Research Assistant at SCIP Plastics Project, Dept. of Civil Engineering, KUET, Khulna. She obtained a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Civil Engineering from KUET in 2023 with environmental engineering as her major subject and conducting her M.Sc. in Civil Engineering (environmental engineering) from KUET.

Teaching experience


Research Interest

Adsorption  Isotherm  Model
Water  Treatment
Institutional  Solid  Waste  Management  System
Mathematical  Model  for  solid  waste  management  system
Primary  waste  collection  of  municipal  area  incorporated  with  GPS  tracking  and  GIS

