
Dr. Md. Elias Al-Mamun

Professor (Adjunct Faculty)
+880 1710-857444
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Pharmacy

Degrees and Universities Attended

Bachelor  of  Pharmacy  (B.    Pharm.),  Dhaka  university

Master  of  Pharmacy  (M.    Pharm.),  Dhaka  University

PhD,  Tohoku  University,  Japan

Short Introduction

Dr. Md. Elias Al-Mamun is a Professor of Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Dhaka. He completed his B. Pharm (Hons.) and M. Pharm. degrees from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, securing the first class position in both examinations. He obtained his Ph.D. from Tohoku University, Japan. He was the Chairman, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka from 2020 to 2023. In 2006, he began working at the University of Dhaka as a lecturer in the pharmacy faculty. He also worked for pharmaceutical companies and the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Sherpur, as an Assistant Commissioner and Magistrate before attending university. Dr. Al-Mamun has received several national and international awards in recognition to his outstanding contribution, including JSPS HOPE Fellow for the 11th HOPE Meeting that was held in Okinawa, Japan (4-8 march, 2019) by JSPS, Junior Investigator Travel Award by American Heart Association (AHA) at Anaheim, California, USA (November 14, 2017), Young Investigator’s Award for International Students by Japanese Circulation Society at Osaka, Japan (April 24-26, 2015), JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers (Pathway to University Positions in Japan) at Tohoku University in Japan (November 22, 2014 to December 31, 2014; and March 1, 2016 to January 22, 2018), Japanese Government (MONBUKAGAKUSHO: MEXT) Scholarship for PhD Study at Tohoku University in Japan (From October 2009 to March 2014).

Teaching experience


Research Interest

Cardiovascular  Molecular  Biology,  Drug  Delivery  System,  Pharmaceutical  marketing  related  research/activities,  Public  health  related  research/activities,  Molecular-based  formulation  of  solid-state  pharmaceutics,  Natural  Product  chemistry  or  phytochemical  w


1. Farhana  Sabrin,  A.F.  Mohammed  Shafiqul  Alam,  Muhammad  Rashedul  Islam,,  Md.  Elias-Al-Mamun  and  Jakir  Ahmed  Chowdhury  :  Effects  of  Aqueous  Extract  of  Basella  alba  L.  leaves  on  Blood  Cell  Count  in  Rats.,  Bangladesh  Pharmaceutical  Journal  (BPJ)  ,  vol.22  ,  no.1  ,  pp.73-78  ,  2019  January  .

2. Ryo  Kurosawa,  Kimio  Satoh,  Nobuhiro  Kikuchi,  Haruhisa  Kikuchi,  Daisuke  Saigusa,,  Md.  Elias  Al-Mamun,  and  Mohammad  Abdul  Hai  Siddique,  Junichi  Omura,  Taijyu  Satoh,  Shinichiro  Sunamura,  Masamichi  Nogi,  Kazuhiko  Numano,  Satoshi  Miyata,  Akira  Uruno,  Kuniyuki  Kano,  Yotaro  Matsumoto,  Takayuki  Doi,  Junken  Aoki,  Yoshiteru  Oshima,  Masayuki  Yamamoto,  and  Hiroaki  Shimokawa  :  Identification  of  Celastramycin  as  a  Novel  Therapeutic  Agent  for  Pulmonary  Arterial  Hypertension-High-throughput  Screening  of  5,562  Compounds.,  Circulation  Research  (impact  factor:15.862  (2018))  ,  2019  June  .

3. Shinichiro  Sunamura,  Kimio  Satoh,  Ryo  Kurosawa,  Tomohiro  Ohtsuki,  Nobuhiro  Kikuchi,,  Md.  Elias-Al-Mamun,  and  Toru  Shimizu,  Shohei  Ikeda,  Kota  Suzuki,  Taijyu  Satoh,  Junichi  Omura,  Masamichi  Nogi,  Kazuhiko  Numano,  Mohammad  Abdul  Hai  Siddique,  Satoshi  Miyata,  Masahito  Miura,  Hiroaki  Shimokawa  :  Different  roles  of  myocardial  ROCK1  and  ROCK2  in  cardiac  dysfunction  and  postcapillary  pulmonary  hypertension  in  mice.,  Proceedings  of  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences  of  the  United  States  of  America  (PNAS)  (impact  factor:9.504  (2017))  ,  vol.115  ,  no.30  ,  pp.E7129-E7138  ,  2018  July.  

4. Masamichi  Nogi,  Kimio  Satoh,  Shinichiro  Sunamura,  Nobuhiro  Kikuchi,  Taijyu  Satoh,  Ryo  Kurosawa,  Junichi  Omura,,  Md.  Elias-Al-Mamun,  and  Mohammad  Abdul  Hai  Siddique,  Kazuhiko  Numano,  Shun  Kudo,  Satoshi  Miyata,  Masatoshi  Akiyama,  Kiichiro  Kumagai,  Shunsuke  Kawamoto,  Yoishikatsu  Saiki,  Hiroaki  Shimokawa  :  Small  GTP-Binding  Protein  GDP  Dissociation  Stimulator  Prevents  Thoracic  Aortic  Aneurysm  Formation  and  Rupture  by  Phenotypic  Preservation  of  Aortic  Smooth  Muscle  Cells.,  Circulation.  (impact  factor:19.309  (2016))  ,  vol.138  ,  no.21  ,  pp.2413–2433  ,  2018  June  .

5. Nobuhiro  Kikuchi,  Kimio  Satoh,  Ryo  Kurosawa,  Nobuhiro  Yaoita,,  Md.  Elias-Al-Mamun,  and  Mohammad  Abdul  Hai  Siddique,  Junichi  Omura,  Taijyu  Satoh,  Masamichi  Nogi,  Shinichiro  Sunamura,  Satoshi  Miyata,  Yoshiro  Saito,  Yasushi  Hoshikawa,  Yoshinori  Okada,  Hiroaki  Shimokawa  :  Selenoprotein  P  Promotes  the  Development  of  Pulmonary  Arterial  Hypertension:  A  Possible  Novel  Therapeutic  Target.,  Circulation  (impact  factor:19.309  (2016))  ,  vol.138  ,  no.6  ,  pp.600-623  ,  2018  April  .

6. Md.  Elias-Al-Mamun,  and  Abdullah  Al  Mamun  :  Gift  as  a  Promotional  Material  and  the  Related  Prescription  Behaviour  of  Physicians  in  Bangladesh  Pharmaceutical  Market.,  World  Journal  of  Pharmacy  and  Pharmaceutical  Sciences  ,  vol.7  ,  no.1  ,  pp.106-119  ,  2018  January  .

7. Taijyu  Satoh,  Kimio  Satoh,  Nobuhiro  Yaoita,  Nobuhiro  Kikuchi,  Junichi  Omura,  Ryo  Kurosawa,  Kazuhiko  Numano,,  Elias  Al-Mamun,  and  Mohammad  Abdul  Hai  Siddique,  Shinichiro  Sunamura,  Masamichi  Nogi,  Kota  Suzuki,  Satoshi  Miyata,  John  Morser,  Hiroaki  Shimokawa  :  Activated  TAFI  Promotes  the  Development  of  Chronic  Thromboembolic  Pulmonary  Hypertension:  A  Possible  Novel  Therapeutic  Target.,  Circulation  Research  (impact  factor:15.862  (2018))  ,  vol.120  ,  no.8  ,  pp.1246-1262  ,  2017  April  .