Faculty of Business and Economics
Department of Business Administration
Masters of Science in Marketing (M.Sc), Result: Distinction (1st class 2nd), University of Glamorgan, South Wales, UK.
Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA),Major in Marketing, Minor: Management, Independent University Bangladesh (IUB)
Brand Management
Consumer Behavior
Service Marketing
Competitive Strategy
• Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations user=_vpPPrAAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Journal Publications
1. Ahmed J. and Rouf MA. (2015). Controlled, Uncontrolled Communication, Brand Name and Brand Attitude: A Relational Study on Cellular Telecom Sector of Bangladesh. American Journal of Trade and Policy, 2, 15-22.
URL: http://publicationslist.org/data/ajtp/ref-19/AJTP%204.2.pdf 2
2. Ahmed J. (2015). You are What You Consume. Global Disclosure of Economics and Business, 4, 22-33.
URL: http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/64806/
3. Ahmed J. and Roy K.S (2016). A Relational Study on Communication, Reputation and Cooperation on Relationship Satisfaction in the Context of Apparel Sector in Bangladesh. British Open Journal of Business Administration.
URL: http://www.borpub.com/British%20Open%20Journal%20of%20Business%20Administration/Current%20Issue.php